Saturday, October 2, 2010

All in the Family Meets Arrested Development

Traditional family based sitcoms like All in the Family are no longer as prominent as they once were. Certainly they still exist, but their popularity seems to have waned. Modern Family is currently a huge exception, but, unfortunately, I don't watch that show. Other than that, the most popular comedies on the air are nontraditional programs like The Office and The Big Bang Theory. However, a recent cult classic provides an excellent contrast: Arrested Development.

The two programs are strikingly different, but they do have some similarities to each other. Both primarily focus on one family: the Bunkers in All in the Family and the Bluths in Arrested Development. Both father figures are  insensitive, and not intended to be role models for viewers. And both shows approach a wide variety of controversial topics, including homosexuality, religion, and the integration of mentally challenged individuals into society. However, most of the show's similarities end there. All in the Family presents a family that, while flawed, is still happy, and generally attempts to impart a moral with each episode. In contrast, Arrested Development is far more cynical, and shows a family completely dysfunctional in every respect. They're different styles of comedy, but All in the Family has more "heart."

Although there aren't necessarily any subjects All in the Family tackles that Arrested Development wouldn't, there is an interesting difference in censorship. As seen in the screening, Archie Bunker made frequent use of the word "fag," which would absolutely never be allowed on TV today. Archie was often used to explore similar taboos, and could be considered quite controversial. As a satire, All in the Family could be much more potent due to these relaxed censorship standards. One can't help but wonder what TV would be like if such taboos were lifted today.

Second blog entry with no pictures. I'm on an ancient computer this week, and can't upload them. This will be remedied next week!

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